Have you met...Mónica Bettencourt Dias?

Mónica appreciates “curiosity and persistence”...

Mónica Bettencourt Dias is a biochemist with a PhD in Cell Biology and a Postdoc in Science Communication. She is currently the director of IGC (Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência), Lisbon, and the leader of a group focused on cell cycle regulation.

Here we have 5 short questions for you to get to know a bit of Mónica, a scientist very passionated about doing science and communicating it!

Mónica Bettencourt Dias.

Mónica, how did you get here?
A lot of curiosity and persistence.

You were mentor of many young scientists, which characteristics do you appreciate in young scientists? What about your colleagues?
A lot of curiosity and persistence [laughing]. For instance, when someone practices a sport or a musical instrument for 10 years, you know that person is persistent. For me, curiosity is when someone’s eyes shine when you talk about science. Also, I think it’s very important  that people are willing to collaborate.

In your opinion, what will be the major breakthrough in science or tech in the next 20 years?
Probably, artificial intelligence will revolutionize our world, our daily life and even the way we do science. Also, our knowledge of  the human genome will open many doors but also many ethical questions.

If you were not a scientist, what would you be?
A journalist, not only because I love science communication but also because it’s also very driven by curiosity.

When you have a bad day in the lab, what is your favorite word or what do you do to discharge the negative energy?
[nervous laughing] Hummm, I would say listen to music!

Stay tuned for more interviews! Is there anything you want to know more about Mónica? Feel free to give your feedback 😄